Welcome Home!

Church for us means warmth, laughter and worship of God.

We welcome you to God’s House. Our prayer is that your life is enriched by the worship experience here on Peyton Rd. We are so glad that you are here!

St. Paul’s is a dynamic faith community. If you are looking for a spiritual home to become a part of, please know that you have found such a place here. Come worship with us on Sunday at 10am. We are one and all are welcome at St. Paul’s. Welcome home!

Our Mission

To Proclaim God’s love, justice and hope through the witness of generations of resilient faith in Jesus Christ, and the worship and traditions of the Episcopal Church, seeking to make disciples and to draw our neighbors into a relationship of love, strength and hope.



Mail your check to St. Paul’s Administrative Offices 294 Peyton Rd, Atlanta, GA, 30311

Use the form at this link to make a one-time contribution or a pledge payment with a credit card.

Sign up for Realm, our new church database, to set up pledge payments, gifts, and recurring gifts from credit cards or a bank account. With Realm, you’ll be able to easily view your contribution history.

Additionally, you will gain access to the Realm mobile app, allowing you to give and find contact info directly on your phone.

Text “STPAULSATL306” to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.


If you have decided to join as a new member or transfer your membership from another church, we are so glad you chose St. Paul’s.

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Join the St. Paul’s community in various local outreach efforts throughout the year.

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Prayer Request

Please allow the St. Paul’s Community to pray for anyneeds that you have by submitting a request here.

Click here


Look into your hearts, your calendars, and your wallets to decide what is right for you, for your family, and for God.

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"We see a growing church with dynamic worship."


Spreading peace by reaching out to help others in need.


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“A parish of the Diocese of Atlanta.”

We are a community of faith located in the heart of Atlanta, proclaiming God’s love, justice and hope. All are welcome.